Palm Beach County maintains a strong internet presence by offering many web-based applications to easily and transparently access service and do business with county departments and agencies. The 2011 Digital Counties Survey, partnering with the National Association of Counties, awarded our county #1 in digital technology, #1 in counties with populations over 500,000.
The annual survey takes into account achievements using technology both regarding operating efficiencies and realizing strategic objectives. ePZV refers to planning, zoning and building. ePermits is used for land development. WbEOC is for emergency management,e911for emergency dispatch, LEX for law enforcement data sharing, HRIS for human services and myGeoNav (GIS).
Many government, education and nonprofit organizations are connected to the county fiber optic network, allowing an open access public network. Internet service is provided to the network by Florida LambdaRail.
For making government information easily accessible, the county website, won the 2011 Sunny Award from Sunshine Review which recognizes government websites exceeding standards aimed at encouraging open government, and the 2010 NACo Achievement Award for outstanding promotion of government transparency was presented to the Palm Beach County Ethics Initiative.